

Funding and In-Kind Support
Publication of this work is made possible in part through the support of VIVA (Virtual Library of Virginia), LibreTexts, the Open Education Initiative of the University Libraries at Virginia Tech, and Virginia Tech Publishing.

Peer Reviewers
Llanie Nobile, Marquette University
Jan Pitcairn, University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine
Anamika Sengupta, University of the Incarnate Word School of Osteopathic Medicine
Douglas Spicer, University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine
Kathryn Thompson, University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine

Editorial Team
Managing Editor: Anita Walz
Graphic Design and Editorial Assistance: Kindred Grey
Alternative Text: Sophia DeSimone

Special Thanks
Henry Jakubowski, Emeritus, College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University
Delmar Larson, Founder, LibreTexts
Christa Miller, Accessible Technologies, Virginia Tech