List of Abbreviations
- ADS—annual debt service
- BCR—benefit-cost ratio
- BRE—Building Research Establishment (United Kingdom)
- BREEAM—Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method
- BTCF—before-tax cash flow
- CAA—Clean Air Act
- CAPEX—capital expenditures
- CDP—Carbon Disclosure Project
- CSA—community supported agriculture
- CSP—Certified Sustainable Property
- CSR—Corporate Social Responsibility
- DOE—US Department of Energy
- EGI—effective gross income
- EPA—United States Environmental Protection Agency
- EPP—environmentally preferable purchasing
- ESG—environmental, social, and governance
- GHG—greenhouse gas
- GRESB—Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark
- HVAC—heating, ventilation, and air condition [system]
- IAQ—indoor air quality
- IEQ—indoor environmental quality
- IPM—integrated pest management
- IREM—Institute of Real Estate Management
- LED—light emitting diode [lightbulbs]
- LEED—Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
- LEED BD+C—LEED for Building Design and Construction
- LEED O+M—LEED for Operations and Maintenance
- NOI—net operating income
- NPV—net present value
- OPEX—operating expenses
- PV—photovoltaic [arrays and devices]
- REC—renewable energy certificate
- REIT—real estate investment trust
- RFP—request for proposal
- RICS—Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
- SBS—sick building syndrome
- SDG—United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals
- TRUE—Total Resource Use and Efficiency
- USGBC—U.S. Green Building Council
- VOC—volatile organic compounds
- WHO—World Health Organization