Version Notes

This text differs from the existing Significant Statistics Beta Version. Any changes between these two versions are detailed below.

  • The simple linear regression material (old chapter 9) has been moved after univariate descriptives and reframed as bivariate descriptives (new chapter 3)
  • Some bivariate quantitative response vs categorical grouping variable graphical methods have been added (new section 3.1)
  • Some bivariate categorical graphical methods have been added (new section 3.1) and contingency tables (old section 3.2) have been moved
  • Inference for regression has been taken out (old section 9.5)
  • Compound events (old section 3.3) have been taken out
  • Some of the old chapter 3 (basic probability), old chapter 4 (discrete random variables & binomial), and old chapter 5 (continuous random variables, uniform, normal, and normal approximation) have been combined into the new chapter 4
  • Old chapter 6 → New chapter 5
  • Old chapter 7 → New chapter 6
  • Old chapter 8 → New chapter 7
  • Quite a few formatting, wording, and grammatical changes across all chapters


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Significant Statistics Copyright © 2024 by John Morgan Russell, OpenStaxCollege, OpenIntro is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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