
Submission Guidelines

The Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Review accepts original research from current or recent undergraduate students on topics in PPE and the humanities and social sciences more generally. The journal follows a double-blind review process.


When is the next submission deadline?

The submission window is between April 1 through May 31 each year. All manuscripts must be submitted electronically to the following email address: PPERVT@gmail.com.


What is the word limit for submissions?

The journal accepts articles that range from 5,000-8,000 words, including all references and footnotes. We will also consider slightly shorter articles if they are of exceptional quality.


What kind of materials should authors submit along with their manuscripts?

Submissions should be anonymized and include an abstract (up to 150 words) and a separate title page that states the article’s title, author’s name, affiliation, degree, (anticipated) graduation date, and contact information. 


Does the journal accept submission of term papers and other graded coursework?

The journal welcomes submissions that were originally prepared as part of students’ studies or coursework. However, students are limited to one submission per journal issue and this work must be exclusively submitted to this journal.


Does the journal accept formerly published materials or resubmissions?

The journal does not accept manuscripts that were published elsewhere or submissions that were previously rejected by the journal. Also, students whose work has appeared in the journal are ineligible to submit another manuscript during the submission cycle immediately after their publication in the journal.


What file formats does the journal accept?

The journal accepts PDF or DOCX formats.


How should manuscripts be formatted?

Manuscripts should be double-spaced with page numbers at the bottom of the page. Please use Times New Roman font (12 point font size).


What citation style should be used for submissions?

Please format your citations in accordance with the journal’s citation style. Please consult a previous journal issue (PDF version) to learn about the journals in-print citation style. You can find the PDF version of previous journal volumes in the Download section after the Editorial Foreword.


What types of illustration and supplemental material does the journal accept? How should illustrations be captioned and referenced in the text?

The journal accepts relevant graphs and/or tables, if they are of high quality. Illustrations should be captioned per the author’s discretion, but may be changed as part of the copy editing process.


Does the journal accept submissions in any other languages than English?

The journal accepts only submissions in English.



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