Editorial Team

Editor in Chief

Eireann Maybach, PPE Student.


Faculty Editor

Dan Gibbs, PPE Core Faculty.


Associate Editors

Chloe Ebert, PPE Student Ambassador.

Annie Frietsch, PPE Student Ambassador.

Sydney McCarthy, PPE Student Ambassador.

Delaney Moran, PPE Student Ambassador.

Phoebe Scarborough, PPE Student Ambassador.


Editorial Board

The editorial board of the journal is composed of the Editor in Chief, Faculty Editor, Associate Editors, and PPE Core Faculty members Gil Hersch, Melinda Miller, Fabian Wendt, and Michael Moehler (Director, Kellogg Center).


Editorial Advisory Board

The editorial advisory board is composed of PPE Research Fellows, PPE Affiliated Faculty, and other faculty members at Virginia Tech with expertise in PPE. The editorial advisory board helps to solicit and review submissions and works closely with the editorial board to ensure high-quality contributions to the journal.


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