
1 WebODM Hardware Specifications

To run WebODM, you need a desktop or laptop computer with the following specifications. Keep in mind that these requirements are ballpark requirements, and you will need to consider the number of images that you are processing, the size of each image (how many megabytes [MB]), and the amount of patience that you have, as less robust computers require longer processing times. Faster processors and additional RAM are the ‘special sauce’ for speedier software performance.

Teaching Tip: The desktop version of WebODM will not run on a Chromebook or similar tablet device since these devices do not meet the minimum technical specifications listed below. Chromebooks (and similar devices) will work on the Cloud-based version of ODM. More on the cloud-based version later!

The Bare Minimum (https://opendronemap.org/webodm/download/)

The bare bones minimum hardware specifications (if processing fewer than 200 images) is:

  • 64bit CPU
  • 20 GB of disk space
  • 4 GB of RAM

Recommended Requirements

The recommended requirements for WebODM are (and if you are not processing a lot of images, then you can perhaps dial these specifications back a bit):

  • Latest generation CPU
  • 100 GB of disk space
  • 16 GB of RAM

A faster CPU and RAM significantly improve processing times.


Exploring Image Processing with Open Drone Map Copyright © by John McGee and Shawn Shields Lyons. All Rights Reserved.