Appendix B: Vocabulary Useful in Developing Objectives and Test Items at Various Cognitive Levels
- acquire
- cite
- define
- identify
- label
- list
- name
- recall
- recite
- recognize
- reproduce
- state
- analyze
- apply
- associate
- categorize
- change
- choose
- classify
- compare
- compute
- contrast
- convert
- deduce
- demonstrate
- describe
- detect
- determine
- differentiate
- discriminate
- distinguish
- draw
- estimate
- explain
- extend
- extrapolate
- generalize
- illustrate
- infer
- interpolate
- interpret
- outline
- paraphrase
- point out
- predict
- prepare rearrange
- relate
- reorder
- rephrase
- represent
- restate
- restructure
- summarize
- transfer
- transform
- translate
- use
- combine
- compose
- constitute
- construct
- create
- derive
- design
- develop
- devise
- document
- formulate
- integrate
- modify
- organize
- originate
- plan produce
- propose
- reorganize
- revise
- rewrite
- specify
- synthesize
- tell
- transmit
- write
- appraise
- argue
- assess
- conclude
- consider
- decide
- evaluate
- judge
- standardize
- validate
- weigh
Created by The Ohio State University Department of Human and Community Resource Development.
- Chamberlain,V. M., & Kelly, J. M. (1981). Creative home economics instruction. New York: McGraw-Hill.
- Clegg, A. A. (1968). Teacher strategies of questioning for eliciting selected cognitive student responses. (Research Report No. 1). Applied Research Training Program. University of Massachusetts.
- Hall, K. S. (1983). Content structuring and question asking for computer-based instructional objectives classification scheme. Educational Technology, 24 (7), 21-26.